Review of Half Nelson

The Incredible Hulk: Half Nelson (1981)
Season 4, Episode 16
Weak episode of "The Incredible Hulk"
5 November 2008
Given that I'm such a sucker for this show and enjoy it immensely, I've tended to write almost exclusively favorable reviews for the episodes. However the series did have a few stinkers and "Half Nelson" is one of the worst offenders.

The story line is pilfered from the 1st season episode "The Final Round", which was better executed in every way. Here we have a dwarf who's got some issues and he manages to drag David into a very messy situation.

This episode is from the very uneven Season 4 of "The Incredible Hulk". This season featured some of the series's best moments; "Prometheus", "The First", "The Harder They Fall" and "Interview with the Hulk" but it had it's fair share of lulls. Arguably the last truly great episode of the series was "Interview" and in my view the series should have headed straight to a conclusion from there on. What doesn't help "Half Nelson" is the fact that it followed that great episode.

The formula had reached it's peak and the episodes were getting a little too repetitive. As usual Bixby is good and so is Ferrigno and even the lesser Hulk episodes make for easy 45 plus minutes to watch but "Half Nelson" is one of weakest from this enjoyable series.
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