Wagon Train: The Swift Cloud Story (1959)
Season 2, Episode 27
Prarie Diplomacy
9 November 2008
In The Swift Cloud Story, Ward Bond, Robert Horton and the rest of the Wagon Train get caught between a rock and hard place between Henry Brandon as Fire Cloud chief of the Chiricauhua Apaches and his nation and Lee Papell and his gang of renegades who have members from the white and red races. In fact the episode begins with an attack on the Wagon Train by Papell and his bunch.

Brandon and Papell hate each other more than the settlers on the Train so that does give Bond a little room for diplomacy. And he has one ace up his sleeve. He saves the life of young Swift Cloud played by Rafael Campos who is Brandon's son. The kid was born lame and Bond promises to take him to a doctor so he can cure him.

A mighty big promise considering he's not a medical man, but Brandon does take Bond at his word.

Campos proved to be a popular character, so much so that he was brought back next year for a return visit to another train Bond and Horton were crossing the plains with. Richard Arlen and Alan Baxter play a couple of other settlers traveling on the Wagon Train.

It's a good episode from the series.
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