Prison Break: The Legend (2008)
Season 4, Episode 10
Puzzles, character development, a new character… We had a lot to chew in this episode !
11 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Now Brad is dead I can't believe how the other characters react. It's like if they all love him. He saved Sucre's life in Panama. He's a real hero. Let's just admit he did his time, that's why the writer decided to drown him. Moreover new characters were introduced so it's all for the best.

T-Bag's speech was disappointing but he was smart enough to notice Trishanne's mistake, mentioning James Whistler when she's not supposed to know him. However the next scene we saw her entering Agent Self work place and I thought it was an awkward way to reveal her double role. I mean the writers should have let it go so the viewers can think about it and imagine all sort of things. Prison Break is a lot about the mind after all ! David Parker, Scylla's room architect, could be a great addition to the team so I hope he'll stick around for a few episodes. It would make sense as the closer they get to Scylla the more dangerous it gets. So they'll probably need him to neutralize some of its security gadgets. It reminds me of Impossible Mission best moments. Don't breath. Don't touch the floor… I can't wait to see how Michael solves that new puzzle, if he's able to considering his health. Mahone helped with the letters puzzle and is very smart too but probably not as smart as Michael, he's the true master mind after all.

I can't believe the General trusts Gretchen now she's back. It doesn't make sense. Who wouldn't turn their back on the Company after what they have done to her ? There's no way she'll work for them again. So I think she's gonna stick to her plan, bringing the Company down. Considering his role I think the General is too naive. I also couldn't believe the mine Sucre stepped on had a manual override and didn't explode instantly. It doesn't make any sense for such a high security area. It should be die hard to get to it.
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