The British Were Giving Up A Lot To Catch This Master Spy
12 November 2008
This World War II flag waver with obligatory references to the World War II situation which was wholly unlike what brought us to World War twenty five or so years earlier, concerns British Intelligence and their effort to trap a master spy. Given who's in the cast you kind of know what the result will be in the end.

Margaret Lindsay is a German agent, planted in the home of a cabinet minister during World War I with one objective, make contact with the guy who's the chief German spy in Great Britain. Her immediate contact is Boris Karloff who is a French refugee employed by the minister, Holmes Herbert as a butler.

The one thing that comes through in this film is that our friends across the pond want this guy bad. They're willing to let all kinds of information go which result in the sinking of ships, losses of factories, men on the western front, all that to make sure their cover is not blown. Of course it all works out in the end.

With casting that's not so obvious and with elimination of all the flag waving which is overblown because it is attributing things to Wilhelmine Germany that are true for Nazi Germany, it could have been a much better film.
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