Faro Nell (1929)
I'd rather eat rat poison than see this horrid little film again!
19 November 2008
This is very obviously an early talkie, though it's not especially apparent that it's supposed to be a comedy. That's because the short is dreadfully unfunny and a real chore to watch. My summary isn't really that far off--there's very little that could possibly ever entice me to see this turkey again. In fact of the 500-1000 early comedy shorts I have seen, this might just rank as the worse and least entertaining--it's that bad.

This cowboy comedy-melodrama appears to be possibly be trying to make fun of old time westerns. The dialog sounds so hokey and horribly contrived that you can't help but assume the intent is comedy. The problem is that there is no punchline--no payoff to listening to some of the worse dialog in film history. And, sadly, there isn't a single laugh or giggle during the entire 20 minutes (which seemed, in hindsight, like 2 hours). Plus, the story is just awful and, well, stupid. Some low-lights of the film were horrible rear-projection during the horse riding scene and lines that seemed like they were written by chimps (smart chimps, but chimps nonetheless).

Dull, pointless and unfunny. This is the trifecta of badness!
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