Rage Against the Darkness (2004 TV Movie)
Empty exploitation and sensationalism
23 November 2008
Hasn't anyone noticed the exploitation of human misery marbled throughout John and Rose Kastner's work? (Well-edited is now the new criterion for approving documentary work? A pretty low bar where I come from.) Whether it is getting breast cancer patients to submit to intrusive interviews, or fanning the flames of homophobia in their attack on public baths, the Kastner duo has consistently placed self-serving headlines above the need to search for the truth in any situation. Fame, no matter the content, was always the goal. May John Kastner's work sink into well-deserved oblivion. (And may he cease using his much reviled, multi-talented brother Peter as a vehicle for gaining public attention.) Peter's talent was as varied as it was enormous. The work of the Kastner siblings has always been mediocre at best.
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