A Superb Sequel that Possibly Surpasses the Original
23 November 2008
The first "Thin Man" introduced us to Nick and Nora Charles (and their dog Asta), and the whole film had a fresh, wonderful feeling to it. In "After the Thin Man", we have these same delightful characters, but they have the opportunity to perfect some of the elements from the first film. It's difficult to say which is the better film, and there's no real reason to decide. Let's just say that, if you liked the first film, you'll certainly like this outstanding sequel.

One new element in this sequel is that we are introduced to Nora's extended family, much to Nick's chagrin. The family and Nick don't exactly get along, which makes for some amusing verbal jabs. Everyone plays their part exceedingly well, and the family is wrapped up in the mystery story this time around, which makes it all the more interesting to follow.

As in the previous film, Nick and Nora are habitual drinkers, and there is a baffling who-done-it caper into which Nick is reluctantly drawn. It's definitely a mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end. Plan to watch it all the way through without pausing it for any lengthy breaks, because it will be difficult to remember all the details. I should also point out that there are FOUR male characters who have dark, neatly trimmed mustaches, so if you aren't paying attention, you might accidentally mix them up. Pay careful attention to their facial features, so that you can keep everyone straight.

This is one of the greatest mystery-comedies ever made. It never takes itself too seriously, yet it never loses credibility. It strikes the balance perfectly. Enjoy!
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