Love and War (2006)
A rare case where I would consider using the word 'genius'
27 November 2008
Wow, was I bowled over by this short film. To think that I would love an opera using anthropomorphic animals!? Considering that I am not a particular fan of opera, that's saying a lot! This is the film about two lovers, Bunny and Bear. In the warm-blooded world they live in, they are deliriously in love and happy. However, when war breaks out with the cold-bloods, he is called off to war and the viewer is left wondering if the two lovers will ever again be reunited.

As you read the summary above, you probably notice that the plot seems awfully familiar--perhaps even clichéd. However, don't be fooled--the film is brilliant as it brings this story to life and the viewer practically to tears using some of the best stop-motion film work I have ever seen. And on top of that, the music was terrific--fitting the action perfectly. And to think that Frederik Emilson did all this practically alone--writing the music, writing, producing and directing this epic animated short. It must have taken years, as the final product is simply stunning and I wish I could have seen this on the big screen.

A terrific film in every way. It's available as a very inexpensive download if you are interested.
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