Out of Africa
29 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What strange thing is the attraction between two human beings. It is a mystery hard to explain. In the case of Carola Lehmann, a successful shop owner from Switzerland, on a holiday in Kenya with her boyfriend, it is the chance encounter with Lemalian, a handsome Massai youth that catches her eye. Carola, who is about to go back home, has second thoughts about returning to a normal life in what is considered a civilized country, and decides to stay behind for an uncertain life with a somewhat primitive African man.

Carola, who has no other friends in Kenya, except Elisabeth, the wife of a black man, makes the trek to a remote part of the country to the Massai enclave where Lemalian hails from. The shock she receives when she sees the primitive society where she has decide to settle with her man, is somehow ameliorated by the love in her heart. Their lovemaking is not exactly the way she expects it; to make matters worse, she witnesses a young woman subjected to a ritual that involves the cutting of a part of her sexual organ.

Trying to get out of the poverty she experiences, Carola decides to go back home to sell her shop. With the proceedings, she sets up a store that she sees as a service to the community. The only thing is that everyone wants credit. Her life changes dramatically when she delivers a baby girl. Eventually she becomes disillusioned with the ways Lemalian has changed. She asks for his permission to take the girl back home. Lemalian, reluctantly, gives her the permit and both mother and daughter depart for a new life.

Director Hermine Huntgeburth did a marvelous job in recreating a story that is based on the real Carola's experiences in Africa. The film never fails to surprise because of the candid account it has for the viewer. It shows a courageous woman who gets beaten by the customs and the environment. In trying to make a family life, she is overwhelmed by the primitive ways of the people she wanted to help.

Nina Hoss, who plays Carola is marvelous. She exudes intelligence in her approach to the character she is playing. Jackie Ido, on the other hand, is somewhat stiff. Never having seen anyone of the actors before, we approached the film with an open mind knowing full well the limitations Ms. Huntgeburth must have encountered while filming in such a primitive setting.

"The White Massai" will stay in our memory for quite some time.
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