A great movie for the whole family!
4 December 2008
"Please Vote For Me"

The documentary Please Vote For Me was made by Weijun Chen in 2007. This documentary was about a third grade class in China that was given the chance to learn how a democracy really works. The teacher of this class chose three students that would be competing to become the class monitor Cheng Cheng, Xiao Fei, and Luo Lei. Two boys and one girl were chosen as candidates and then told that they could pick two student supporters to help in their campaign. Throughout the film you are able to see the children's lives at home, during class, and while talking strategy with their parents. During the days before the actual election speeches were given on why they should be elected and why their opponent was unfit or too weak to fulfill the job. Also debates were held during class allowing the three to point out each other's flaws in front of an audience. It was interesting to see that through the whole process the children's parents become more and more involved in their child's campaign. At some points the parents were even teaching their kids how to go about tearing others down and how to make the other kids drop out from the competition. In the end one of the little boys ended up being elected after showering the entire class with gifts provided by his father. This movie was an extremely intriguing film about how nine and ten year olds view the idea of democracy.

The major theme in this documentary was simply to portray how a third grader may see democracy, especially while being raised in a country like China.

Two of Weijun Chen's most famous works are Please Vote For Me (2007) and The Biggest Chinese Restaurant In The World (2008). The Biggest Chinese Restaurant In The World refers to the inside story of a five thousand seat Chinese restaurant called West Lake. West Lake is located in the Hunan province city of Changsha and is more noted for its extravagant shows that for the food it serves. This owner of this dynamic restaurant having well over three hundred chefs is Mrs. Qin Linzi. Chen may have had some other minor works, but these are his most famous.

The main subjects in Please Vote For Me were the three children nominated to run for class monitor. Some other important subjects were the families of each candidate and of course the other children within the class. The teacher also played a key role by giving all of the students the guidelines they would need for the project and explained how to go about being elected.

The type of editing that Chen used was very appealing because it wasn't from an interviewing standpoint. The final product shows you exactly how the kids and everyone else reacted to certain situations without any questioning period. This type of editing in Please Vote For Me gave a smooth, more realistic feeling to the piece. The cinematography of the piece was also very complementing. No major action in the film seemed planned out. The documentary came across simply as whatever happens, happens. The unplanned attitude was most noticeable in parts where the kids said certain things to their parents and fellow students.

The music wasn't really an issue in this particular documentary because no music had been chosen. If Chen had decided to include some type of music I think a fun, techno mix might have been a good fit.

The part within the film that was so surprising to me was how involved the parents became in their child's campaign. Sometimes it seemed as though the children were acting more like adults than the actual parents. The documentary Please Vote For Me was a true pleasure to watch and I would recommend it to anyone.
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