Karroll's Christmas (2004 TV Movie)
Fine reimagining of a classic
6 December 2008
I'm usually up for seeing films that use A Christmas Carol as their source material, in particular the ones that go for a different interpretation of it(the BlackAdder version takes the cake, I'd have to say). Thus, when this aired, it wasn't a hard sell. It's pretty much worth it, if the tone that they set isn't maintained entirely(though almost) throughout, and it does contain at least its share, possibly more than, of sap. The acting is usually good, the children in this are by far worse than the grown-ups in it, but that is usually the case. The production value is reasonable, with some nice effects. The script plays around with the original story and characters the appropriate amount. The humor is probably the best thing about this, because in the positive end of the spectrum, there are great jokes and gags, including one or two memorable and even quote-deserving ones. There are, however, also times where they try far too hard, where it's juvenile, that it is downright stupid and/or where they fall flat. There is dark comedy herein, albeit relatively mild. Little tip? If you watch through the opening credits to this and find what occurs to be harsh and not funny, you're not likely to be in the target audience. I recommend this to those who can stand the holiday being taken a tad less seriously(for a stronger "anti" movie, look elsewhere). 6/10
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