Another poor attempt to capitalize on Resident Evil franchise
7 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It is amazing to see how biased are most of the comments of this movie. It looks like to make a good movie you need to use similar graphic cut-scenes than of the games, ad-up a few zombies, and of course bring back Leon and Clair. That should't be enough even for the biggest fan of the game! I am a big fan and having playing all the game what are they all about? Fear! There is a reason why it is called a survival horror... Fear is taking you up because of the dark, oppressive, claustrophobic atmosphere. Arround you chaos, empty rooms, and limited light. In the background silence, except once in a while a few moans. To defend yourself only a small guns filled only with two last ammo... When do we get close to that feeling in this movie? Never, apart from a 2 minutes scene at the airport, which will not even be that oppressive because you'd spend your time wondering why on earth the characters are that stupid (two minutes earlier they ve been drilled to shoot on sight and in the head, and even though they are well trained SWATs, they run up to try to help the zombie guy... And later shoot everywhere apart from the head! Unbelievable... So no this movie is bad, and contrary to popular belief even worse than the movies from Anderson. Actually his movies wasn't that bad, the first one was quite descent (at least you feel slightly oppressed watching it), and the third one even though it stretched a lot the franchise was a good action movie. The second was terrible. Ruining the scariest villain of the series is unforgivable.
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