Not a masterpiece. But meaningful
11 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Frankly, the film can impress me.

I went to the cinema expecting nothing from this movie. I thought this must be just another SpecialFX showcase. I surprised me so much.

The film began with a man discovering that glassy sphere in the trailer on the top of an icy mountain. In the next shot it left the man and just started telling us what was happening in the present day. Scientists and military people are summoned for an urgent meeting after a strange object had been detected to crash on the earth. Sounds like a very old-school sci-fi? The movie, however, contain little action and a lot of talking about this and that, all of which concerned much with human's basic instincts and behaviors.

The opening sequence wasn't really thrilling at all. The acting wasn't perfect. The scripts sound ridiculous at times. If it's this flawed, then why did I gave it 7/10? Keanu Reeves gave an interview indicated that Klaatu will become more 'human', he was absolutely right. Just this 'human' is a kind of human portrayed in the film.

Yes, i praised the quality of special effect. From the beginning those scenes were real eye-candy. In my opinion, casting Reeves as Klaatu was a right decision. He has successfully portrayed something 'alien' to us. Did you thought that a boy and many character in the film should be killed? If you did, then the movie have completely fulfilled its purpose: to teach you what human being really is. I didn't understand this until the movie ended and let me having some time with myself. According to the film, Klaatu learned that human race loves violence. And, without any bias, yes, we are. Seeing men fighting for a ticket in the train station, a higher-rank left his crew died just to be safe, and a representative of US government (one good performance from Kathy Bates) acting like she rules the world was, for me, reminded me how cruel people treated each others.

It you pay fully attention to the dialogue, you'll see that there's more that just a heavily CG-ed sci-fi.
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