It Tries So Hard, but Mostly Stays Limp
11 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If ever there were an "A for Effort" moment it would be Another Gay Sequel. Desperate to mix charm and wit with gross-out teen sexploitation style humor, this film unfortunately provides 10 unfunny moments for every 1 truly endearing or hilarious one.

On a shoestring budget the plot seems borrowed from the video game "Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail". A group of four gay teens(ish) head off to Florida for Spring Break and enter a contest to see who can get laid the most.

It's a testament to our changed world that a gay themed sexploitation film can even be made. Unfortunately making gross-out jokes "gay" doesn't make them funny, and so many sight gags and predictable moments occur in this movie that it prevents a real laugh-out-loud experience.

Whether it's "the prettiest boy" ending up with poo on his face from an unclean sex experience or a father and son power-vomiting all over each other because of accidental incest, most of these shallow moments somehow lose their sheen for even the biggest fan of low brow gags.

Saving the film is the character of Nico, the over-the-top femme of the bunch. Actor Jonah Blechman really commits to the role and what could have been an irritating stereotype manages to come off as genuine. There are also some brilliant parody moments including Nico running down the beach in braids a'la Bo Derek in "10", and even a one-off tribute to cult classic Romy & Michele's High School Reunion.

Where the movie really fails in in the attempt to blend boner jokes and toilet gags with genuine plots about monogamy, relationships and discovering one's identity. Could it have been achieved? Yes, but it wasn't.

Shout outs go to RuPaul in a hilarious turn as an androgynous activities directory who seems to exist mostly just to drop cheesy product placements for the movie's sponsors. Other cameos are less entertaining, such as Scott Thompson's reprisal as the not-so-secretly gay dad of one of the boys.

If every genre has to have a bunch of duds in order to find its way to classics, then the gay teen comedy is well on it's way thanks to Another Gay Sequel.
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