Deadfall (1968)
Guitar Concierto De Juan Barry...
12 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
All of the sexual politics - which is what this piece is REALLY about - has dated to the point where it's farcical now. But this movie is still worth watching for...The Heist. The family piles into the Merc 600 and heads for town to attend a concert, leaving the servants behind to listen to it on the radio.

What we then get, is a sequence where the legendary John Barry (Forbes convinced him to make one of his RARE appearances) steps up onto the podium to conduct his own Rodrigo-style concerto, with a lovely woman playing solo guitar, while Caine and co do their botched robbery (in the real World, they usually are) back at the family's house.

And of course, by switching back and forth from the concert to the house, The Job gets a SOUNDTRACK! Then, when the piece is over, the family gets BACK into their Merc and returns HOME - PASSING the escaping heisters (is that a word? I'm sure the SpellChecker will say no).

But what I LOVE about this sequence is the sheer IMPRACTICALITY of the whole thing. Like the bit where Caine DROPS two floors and catches a window-sill with his FINGER-TIPS. His arms are at full stretch, which means it would have been IMPOSSIBLE!

And what about the concert itself? Barry's concerto is shown as being the ONLY item on the programme - and it lasts (in REAL TIME) just SEVENTEEN MINUTES! Whoever heard of a concert that only lasted seventeen minutes?

And the family don't even go ON somewhere afterwards (like a restaurant or club). Apparently, they BOOKED tickets, got DRESSED up, TRAVELED into town, PARKED up, got to their seats, sat - then REVERSED the process - for a SEVENTEEN MINUTE CONCERT. BONKERS!!!

You've GOT to love it.
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