Review of Tsst

South Park: Tsst (2006)
Season 10, Episode 7
Cesar Millan shines
14 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
since he actually can control Cartman in this great episode. At one point here I felt kind of sorry for Cartman even that he is Cartman and that during the beginning of the show he confirms that he is an a****** (and certainly a masterpiece of a character). I felt sorry for him when he is a dog with fear (and not the dawg, the big bad dawg!) but all was because of the effective methods of Cesar Millan then all was for the good of Cartman. If you don't know who is Cesar Millan well he is the dog whisperer, his show is Dog Whisperer and he basically change problematic dogs. Here Cesar Millan was not the first one who came to South Park to try to change Cartman actually Millan was sort of like the last option for obvious reasons. According to Trey and Matt in the shows Nanny 911 and Super Nanny (unlike Dog Whisperer I have never seen those nanny shows) the methods are the same of the methods of Dog Whisperer but certainly not in dog terms. Here Cartman is first on Nanny 911 and later on Super Nanny and basically he destroys the host of both shows, the stuff with the first nanny is great but is more memorable the stuff with the second, she ended really really bad, after all was Cartman the kid that she wanted to change. But with Millan everything is different and certainly hilarious. An the incredible thing happens, Cartman is changing, he is still fighting to be the hard-core bastard but he is not the Cartman of always, he has lost weight, he now knows how the Jews felt in the Holocaust and now he plans to kill his mother because she's Hitler. So happens the scene that only confirms that Millan has done his job in a right way (Altered States, a film that my cousin has recommended me and that after this episode I really want to see!), a new Cartman is seen but his mother…

Something from Trey and Matt's mini commentary: Trey says that he is a fan of Dog Whisperer and it is a show that makes him cry. Tsst is Matt's favourite of the first run of Season 10.
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