Unexpectedly kind - shows GRACE in Grotesqueness!
15 December 2008
As you can see from some reviews above, the late Tammy Faye is charming and her sincerity radiates thru despite her overdressed and over makeup-ed look. (NOTE: Parental advisory--see below.)

The key probably is - She hugged and was kind to persons whose lifestyle choices were vastly different than hers.

History note: In the early 1980's, having HIV was a death sentence. And persons (wrongly) thought AIDS could be easily transmitted. Thus, her hugs and kind words to friends, acquaintances (especially those with this dread disease) were exceptionally ahead of the curve.

The history of the too lavish PTL club, and the mostly contemptuous media, the "hanging judge" for Jim Bakker who gave him an initial sentence (I think was 45 years??) which vastly exceeded the sentence some murders get i.e. 20 years, Falwell who brought it down, are full of excesses.The accusations and counter accusations are not settled here but are summarized.

The Bakkers' PTL Club, started out from local church preaching and puppet shows,

to a worldwide TV system, and then a grandiose Disney style theme park, came crashing down when then husband Jim Bakkers' past sexual encounter with another woman became public (And the excesses in this whole past mess were not the Bakkers' alone...) The old power struggle between the Bakkers and Jerry Falwell, the local Charlotte reporter (who does not answer on camera to Tammy's charges of false accusations), and of course - the Bakkers' opulent lifestyle - recalled to me the embarrassment I felt at that era.

While I (then an administrative assistant) made a bigger 1980's salary than my Chicago small church minister (who had a couple kids), I heard people snickering over the lavish salary they thought all ministers/priests made. Not true - think "poor as a church mouse" here...!

And the Christians' giving to all charities where the poor were fed, etc. dropped worldwide. (Christians historically have a high per capita giving record.)

Fellow Christian Pat Boone (not a stranger to criticism - both just and silly - just see his IMDb page!!!) had a telling comment. He considered that Tammy Faye (like 1990's Presidential Wife Hillary Clinton) both were highly vilified women - mainly vilified, mocked, scorned for MAINLY their husbands' bad behaviors. He also said Christians were too hard on their own wounded.

I suspect this unexpectedly kind film (from over a year of footage where she allowed them to film her but where she had NO editorial control) was kind to Tammy Faye because Tammy Faye demonstrated her genuine love for the persons following her around with the camera.

NOTE: PARENTAL ADVISORY explicit pornographic footage from the Playboy video done of Jessica Hahn as well as verbal description of a sexual device are included.

Perhaps Tammy Faye did not get totally roasted, maligned, misrepresented but got treated with fairly even respect here - because she showed the grace of God and was KIND...in her imperfect yet sincere way.
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