Why Have so many bashed this movie? It's GREAT!!!
15 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie The Day The Earth Stood Still (DTESS) with the feeling of wanting to compare this one to the original. I had read many of the comments about this movie and wanted to see for myself what the negative buzz was about. I was tremendously surprised at how much I liked this movie. I think a couple of things may have misled viewers because of the coming attractions of this film. It seems like folks were probably expecting the robot GORT to go around destroying cities and being a general baaaadasss character. But what DTSS turned out to be was a really good sci-fi movie. You have to really pay attention to the dialog to get the full jist of this tricky film. For Klaatu never really has any love or care for humanity. Their goal is to wipe mankind off the face of this planet to allow other forms of life to exist as well as future beings from other worlds. And pay close attention to what he says near the end of the film when he decides to stop humankind's extinction. He said it will cost you something. It's a tricky line, but if you follow it and watch the end of the film you'll understand why the Earth stands still. I won't piece it together for everyone...see if you can figure it out. I love this movie for it's smartness. Many have complained about this being another special effects, mindless mess. It is not. The visuals enhance it...but you really have to think along with the film and sit back an enjoy.

(Updated June 06, 2009). The film's ending where Kathy Bates character looks at her watch and sees that it has stopped. Then scenes are shown of trains, cars, boats stopping - suggests to me that the price humanity had to pay for their world being saved was to have all electrical and mechanical devices shut off permanently. Remember that Klaatu doesn't have any real love for the human race but begins to see the possibility of their having compassion. So since it was mankind's machinery that was effecting the planet, the best way to solve this situation without wiping humnity off the planet would be to neutralize all manmade things. Hence the title "The day The Earth Stood Still". I might have it wrong, but that's my take.
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