Review of Plus One

Plus One (2008)
Great mood -uplifter
16 December 2008
Tom, a British Puppeteer, arrives in Moscow to conduct a workshop for local theater students. As a given to any foreigners in Russia, the school provides Tom a translator; Masha - generic, uptight Moscow inhabitant with a lack of sense of humor (as she admits herself throughout the film!). Plus Odin (Plus 1) takes the viewers on a complex journey of relationship between Tom and Masha, as they slowly drift from "strictly business" to a constantly warmer change. In the city where only a handful can speak Tom's native tongue, he is bound with Masha (perhaps by fate?). It is now Tom's duty to change Masha's attitude on life. But, alas, the movie is not just about Masha and Tom. The vast and organic cinematography reminds us that the main plot takes place in Moscow, gigantically massive mega-polis with many other stories of their own. Some of these stories accidentally (or maybe not?) collide with the main plot of this incredible motion picture. In fact, each shot in this film tells a story of it's own. Blue sky with a plane flying in the distance, a streetcar passing slowly on the late afternoon street; each of these shots represent a piece of a fractal that unanimously surround the characters of this city tale. For those who hope for any hidden political messages or such - entirely non political flick!

Highly recommend to watch!
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