The Cow (1989)
Another lovely animated film from Petrov
16 December 2008
This is the story about a poor family's cow and a young child's attachment to it.

I have admired the animated films of Aleksandr Petrov for some time, as they are terrific works of art come to life. Not surprisingly, he's won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film and been nominated several more times (starting with this film). You just can't help not admiring all the time and effort put into making these lovely films. Apparently, he uses a technique where you paint on glass to make the animations and I have only seen one other artist do similar work (Martine Chartrand and her short BLACK SOUL). The quality of this 1989 piece is about on part with Ms. Chartrand's, though Petrov's newer works are even better--with much higher quality art work and more vibrant colors. While THE COW is lovely, compared to the newer films such as MY LOVE and THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA, it is obviously inferior simply because over time his skills have continued to increase. See this film by all means, but also try finding some of his newer films as well--you'll see what I mean and will be impressed by the increased fluidity and quality of the animation.

A lovely film that was justly Oscar nominated.
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