Fatal Deviation (1998 Video)
Easily the greatest film of all time, you have not lived till you see this beautiful movie..
22 December 2008
Too call this film an Oscar winning performance is an understatement. Bennett has the qualities of a master, more agile than Bruce Lee but with the funny bone of Jackie Chan. From moon kicks to standing on logs he can do it all. From a young age he was trained in one of the finest schools in Europe, the school of Bennett in Trim. His dad was a master of the sport and has always been proud of his son, he is now and he was then. His first and only film "Fatal Deviation" reached box office success with packed out shows in his home town of Trim. Hes his own stunt man and cos of his recklessness his friends dubbed him "Johnny Square Ass". Hes so crazy he even did his own car stunt in which he nearly died, yes hes that mental! So crazy in fact that after the stunt he gets out and laughs, what a guy!!

My friends and I have watched this over 50 times minimum and still watch it bi monthly. It is without a doubt my favourite film of all time and a piece of Irish film history, way better than your Michael Collins or any other wannabe Irish movie. If your looking for authenticity well then look no further.

This film makes me proud of my country..

It makes me sad that the guy down below that gave this piece of brave film making a 1/10, obviously s/he just doesn't get the films plot and insane action. Its probably not Hollywood enough for him but if you can appreciate a film for its roaming shots of rural life, tricky martial art stunts, harrowing love interests and som eof the finest acting this side of the world, well then take a seat, open your eyes and set your mind to stun.

(p.s: the priest can still be seen roaming the church grounds but only "after training").
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