Lesser Short
23 December 2008
Tough Winter, A (1930)

* (out of 4)

Our Gang short has Stepin Fetchit playing a handyman who hangs out with the gang while they try to make taffy on a wintery day. This is a pretty poor short without much of anything going for it. There are pretty much two stories going on with the first half dealing with Fetchit while the second deals with the gang making a mess with the taffy. Neither one works and I can only recall one time laughing and that's a scene where Mary Ann gets taffy on her after it blows up. I was somewhat surprised to see how much screen time Fetchit got and his brand a humor is certainly not going to work on everyone in this day and age. I don't mind his performance but it just didn't make me laugh here. The kids too are also quite tame but you can't blame them as there really isn't any evidence that the screenplay was trying to be funny.
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