The Spirit (2008)
It looks like Sin City/300... but it's not even half as good. It's terrible, actually.
30 December 2008
I really, really liked Sin City. I enjoyed 300. I foolishly thought I'd be in for more of the same...

I was terribly wrong. Besides the amazing visual effects, The Spirit belongs in a dumpster.

This is the first movie that I've ever considered leaving in the middle of. The dialogue is cheesy and just bad, the characters are bland and uninteresting, and the story is ridiculous.

There were very few things I liked, but they were there: Eva Mendes looks... well... perfect. The visuals were nice, so I guess if you're into psychedelic drugs this is a good pick. The henchmen were kind of funny in my opinion, and I liked the "os" theme. Other than that, nothing is amusing.

Samuel L. is way over the top and just gets old. He yells throughout the movie like he's about to shoot the Brett guy with the Kahuna Burgers from Pulp Fiction. He freaks out about eggs, WHY EGGS? Why is he in a Nazi get-up all of a sudden? Why is this movie the way it is? Why did I waste my $6.25 in matinée dollars when I should have seen Seven Pounds? Many questions arise while recalling this movie.

The first three henchmen on screen were Egos, Pathos, and Logos, the three Greek elements of argument. I'd argue anyone to not see this film under any circumstances.
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