Planet Earth: Seasonal Forests (2006)
Season 1, Episode 10
Trees Are Pretty Special
4 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the neatest things I've seen in this 11-part series was in this episode, but maybe that's because I share the narrator's view that "trees are among the most magnificent living things on the planet." It was cool to see the tree-less top of the planet at the Arctic, and then slowly the forest begins. Soon, that's all you see are the trees of the Tiaga Forest. which holds one-third of all the trees in th world and all the oxygen planet Earth needs!

Just some of the fascinating sites in this episode included a look at the lynx, one the rarest animals to see; a wolverine (which we are told is "a huge weasel"); in a forest in Chile the world's smallest deer and cat; fantastically-beautiful Manadarin ducks; lemurs, moths and the Amur leopard - the rarest cat on Earth.

Maybe the most interesting segment was the part that showed the incredible birth and migration of a certain kind of cicada in western Europe (I think) that only hatches every 17 years, then climbs all the trees in this forest - one billion in number - hatches overnight, is eaten by about every animal and bird in the area, and then dies and provides nutrition for the soil and trees. You have to see this to believe it!!

What I especially enjoyed were all the overhead shots in this episode. In an 11-part series filled with spectacular photography, this one on "Seasonal Forests" was one of the most stunning to see.
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