Review of The Asylum

The Asylum (2000)
"You must remember in order to forget!"
6 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just one of the howlingly bad bits of dialog in this bit of forgettable Brit claptrap. The film has a promising premise: a young woman having frightening nightmares of killing her mother, and falling to her death from a clocktower, must return to an abandoned asylum where she and her sister grew up to attempt to understand what is happening to her. However, the premise quickly turns to mush as our heroine and some dopey guy we never find out much about return to the asylum.

The director apparently feels that excessive use of blue filters will lend an ominous air to the location, but it doesn't. To make matters worse, there is a whole slew of other oddballs running around the place (the film never even tries to explain how they all got in past a locked gate and high wall and locked front door), including the murderer. In a different director's hands and with a better script, this low budget turkey might have had some really suspenseful moments. The cast is good, the setting is full of potential, but there isn't a moment of true shock or suspense to be found in this flick, just a lot of weirdness and poorly written dialog. Steffanie Pitt appears to be an able actress, but she is forced to run endlessly around the halls of the asylum and look freaked out.

The end of the film is the real kick in the teeth when the script introduces a "surprise" killer, or is it? That's right, the film leaves you hanging, unsure of whether or not the person who seems to have been responsible for the mother's murder all those years ago, is the same person who has been bumping assorted uninteresting characters off in the present. It's all dreadfully perfunctory, as if the scriptwriter and director just couldn't figure out a decent way to get themselves out of the film and had to settle for the crap ending on display.

For a good scary flick set in an asylum, check out Session 9.
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