Not Sure of the Motive of this Movie
8 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First off I really liked the movie. Tommy Lee Jones does a good job playing the part of a distraught father trying to find out what happened to his son. Before I watched this film I assumed this would be an anti-war film about the war in Iraq and after watching it, I am not so sure if it is or not. The last scene of the movie puzzles me because I do not know if it was a protest against the war or a statement to the effect that our soldiers need help re-adjusting back to a normal world. I am really not sure which it is but I suspect the latter. I have seen the documentary on TV, that this story was based on and other than this being in the Southwest part of the country(instead of I believe North Carolina or Georgia) the movie follows it well. I did enjoy the movie.
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