Drainiac! (2000 Video)
now that's 10,000 dollars down the drain
10 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Two bums freezing from the cold stumble upon a seemingly deserted house & one is quickly disposed of in the basement by an unseen force or rather a seen liquid. Flash forward a few years and we find Julie (Goergia Hatzis), who also has recurring nightmare, goes up with her overbearing father to clean up the aforementioned house (her dad buys houses to turn over) Her friends come up to help, but the killer liquid/mist/vapor is waiting for them I understand the makers of the film were working on a really minuscule budget, but this film was still awful. The plot just didn't click for me (a problem no amount of money could've fixed) and at even only 80 minutes running time my interest was wanning before it was even halfway though. The film is also heavily disjointed.

Eye Candy: Georgia Hatzis goes full frontal an shows her ass as well; Adrienne McCleave & Leslie Culton both provide T&A

My Grade: D

DVD Extras: Commentary by Writer/director Brett Piper, Creg Conley, & Michael Raso; trailer for this movie; and trailers for "Shock-O-Rama", "Dark Chamber", "Millenium Crises", "Bacterium", "Chainsaw Sally", "Creature from the hillbilly lagoon", "Sinful", "Skin Crawl", "Feeding the Masses", "Prison a go go", "Suburban Nightmare", "Bite me!", "Screaming Dead", "Demoness", "& "psycho Sisters"
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