They should have called it "Runover by the Neely's"
11 January 2009
Last year I put a review here because I compelled by some pretty annoying forced banter. What a difference this year made. I never really give up on anything. Over the year I tuned in once in a while. Today's show is a repeat of a Sept09 show. It was a pleasant surprise. It was so much more natural between them. They were endearing and likable. It really does go to show that sometimes less and more. And to top it off the recipes looked gooood....!!!!

This is the old review that I was compelled to write... This show is horrible on so many levels. I've tried, I really have tried to like them and have watched more than a few episodes. THAT woman, has got to be the most overbearing, run her mouth emasculating cooking personality. She treats her husband like he is so beneath her. So condescending. She is so unlikable and I can without a doubt say that I would not welcome her into my home.

It doesn't matter how many times she calls him "Baby" it doesn't portray affection and love. The so-called banter between them is so forced. There is no chemistry and when she kisses him it looks strained. It's like that are not only trying... and failing... to convince us of this chemistry but themselves. It is painful.

I've read that they own a successful restaurant in Tennessee. After watching them handle food I wonder if they purchased a successful restaurant and have others always cook for them. They lack the natural connection with food that some cooks show.
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