Switch your "reality-based" brain off and just enjoy the madness!
12 January 2009
First things first; this is not like the first movie. In the first movie you have crazy scenarios occurring within a plausible/realistic context, and the narrative of the story was clear-set and followed a linear unfurling path. However in the sequel, reality has no business here. There's numerous addresses to the camera, ridiculously naff special effects, references to the fact that this is just a movie, for god's sake there's a mythical sea creature in the story!

You can tell from the very beginning of the movie that the aim is not so much to tell a heartwarming coming-of-age story, but rather to make you laugh as much as possible by presenting crazy over-the-top, sometimes revolting, gags which it does with gusto. In fairness, this had to be their approach to making this movie. If they were going to make this a serious and realistic follow-on to the last movie, how could they have possibly explained away why three of the four main leads look completely different?! No, they had to just forget about reality and just go all out for funny gags. And on this level it worked; I laughed throughout the whole movie. Result!!

The only thing I would criticize is the use of "actors" who can't actually act - I'm talking about you Perez Hilton! I cringed whenever he was on screen. It was like watching the antics of the drunken slut at a party; you just felt embarrassed for him.

Jonah Blechman deserves a paragraph of praise. He definitely stole the show in this movie. From his zany uber-camp performances to his heartfelt monologue; kudos Jonah. I don't think the movie would have been anywhere near as good if he had wimped-out and jumped ship like three other certain actors.

Biggest surprise; Rupaul is actually a really good, natural and convincing actor. We don't see enough of him on this side of the Atlantic.

Look, just watch the movie with the intention of having a laugh. Switch off the nit-picking film-critic part of your brain and you will enjoy this movie.
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