C&C fans deserved a bit more
24 January 2009
I'm in two minds about Tiberian Sun. On one hand it's disappointing that a game that took about 3 years to develop featured so little innovation. It was very much another Red Alert, just with better graphics. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with a game that's just like Red Alert if you are a Red Alert fanatic! Like with the original Command & Conquer, GDI and NOD are fighting it out over control of the alien substance Tiberium (Why they need to go to war about it is a bit silly because Tiberium is replicating like mad and there is more than enough going around for everybody and their sisters). You can play either the GDI or NOD campaign, each campaign's storyline are told through cinematic cut-scenes which are linked to the missions you have to perform.

The GDI storyline is a bit of a haphazard mess that is difficult to follow and the cut-scenes aren't really convincing. Michael Biehn looks bored most of the time and James Earl Jones's role is reduced to barking orders while looking panicked, although to be fair to the actors, they aren't helped by the weak storyline. Westwood fared much better with the NOD campaign, the relatively unknown actors look like they are having fun and the storyline is much more interesting (I guess being evil is always more interesting).

The single player campaign's biggest shortcoming is again the computer AI, which is even worse than in the older C&C's. The computer seems distinctly disinterested in beating you and rarely attacks or defends his base in numbers. Tiberian Sun is definitely easier than its predecessors.

Since games like C&C don't really depend on good graphics to be enjoyable (unlike say, first-person shooters), Tiberian Sun is still worth trying out even though its about 10 years old by now. If you are a fan of the series or even if you haven't played Red Alert before and you are into RTS games like Starcraft its worth a try.
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