A Bright Shining Lie (1998 TV Movie)
But Who Are the Liars???
29 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Who benefits from attempts to tarnish the US Military, Political leaders, American allies and America's need to BE involved in keeping the world safe from those who would destroy us. Could it be the idiot journalists that were there, who benefited, even though they never left the "parties" of Saigon except to visit secure areas? Journalist that provided the stories that the "media" wanted. Could it be the media that benefited, and if so, what was their motive? Could it be the same motive they have today which is to destroy the image of this country all over the world. Could it be the ringleaders of the Peace movements who were nothing more doped up morons who spent much of their time seducing underage girls, getting high and raving regarding things they knew nothing about. Could it be the educational "communities' which have long been a hot bed of radicals (read that those with communists leanings? There are a lot of foreign "professors" who have been planted in American universities, as well as American born morons, who constantly "preach" against America, against God, against family values, patriotism and all the things that made America what was once upon a time. All the above and all anti-American, anti-military, anti-freedom morons, benefit greatly from their attempts to destroy a country that allows EVEN the, most simple minded, inexperienced and do nothing scum of the earth to express the most uninformed opinions.

I enjoyed the movie, because it had just enough fact to show that there was a war going on. However the Bright Shining Lie is the one told by the one who wrote the book, the ones who made the movie and those who seem so eager to make John Paul Vann look like a slime ball by presenting unproven and unwarranted "episodes" of his sexual activities and presenting him as an arrogant asshole. However if one were to check those who attended his funeral, among them were some of the war's most outspoken critics and they must have thought that John Paul Vann deserved a little respect. All things considered the movie is one continuous lie, tied together with disguised bits and pieces of factual information and combat footage. The simple minded will watch it, believe it and think that's the way it was. That's a shame!!
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