Eden Lake (2008)
Probably the best recent horror film I've seen, in quite some time!
31 January 2009
I was just left in AW after I saw Eden Lake. It's such a smart horror/thriller. I mean here I was expecting a rather dumb and cliché'd horror film. However this film is just so much more than that, but it's really gripping, provocative, and extremely entertaining. Okay, well about the first 25 minutes of the film my thoughts we're getting hazy, like the film was feeling a bit rushed(still I liked that they just cut to the chase), and while its character structure in the beginning is really good, it still was starting to feel rather uninteresting at a few random parts. However when it gets more into the film, and more into the intense chase scenes it becomes more entertaining, and you get more into the film. In fact by the end of the film I was still on the edge of my seat. This film really is just such a greatly done horror film because it's very clever, and it's very indulging. Second the gore, is really professionally done, and while the violence itself is a bit over-the-top, it's done in a fun way. Eden Lake is just one of those films that is just so brilliantly done, and the movie is just so gripping, and just defines horror. It's one of those movies that is not afraid to tell it like it is. They don't care if it's out of your comfort zone, they're just showing you how shocking violence is being underrated. Plus I just love that this movie is one of those where you constantly as "What would I do", and that just makes the film more indulging, and scarier. At first I absolutely despised the ending, but know I love the ending to this film.The ending in my opinion is just so cool and so frightening, like this movie. Overall Eden Lake is a great horror film, and probably is one of the best in its kind, so if you're a horror fan I would recommend Eden Lake 110%.
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