Review of War Goddess

War Goddess (1973)
"War Goddess" Depicts Realistic Amazon Warfare
13 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"War Goddess", a 70's vintage sword-and-sandal movie that depicts life in a strong Amazon nation, is worth watching for two reasons. First, although it was remastered onto DVD from several VHS versions, it does a good job explaining how an Amazon becomes a warrior, how the nation was ruled, and, how the Amazon army fought.

Unlike other Amazon movies that portrayed women warriors as bimbos or inaccurately dressed with little fighting skills, "War Goddess" depicts women dressed as a warrior should be dressed, with the light leather armor of the time. And, you will be most impressed with the three battle scenes that show a high amount of training in horsemanship, throwing the javelin, and fencing with the short sword. Sadly, they aren't shown wielding the labrys and their shields are round and not half-moon. But, their bravery and ferociousness in battle are great examples of what a real Amazon of the Bronze Age would be like.

There is some gratuitous nudity which I didn't' care for, but overall, this movie was fantastic. You can rent or buy it from Netflix, Blockbusters, and
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