13 February 2009
I just finished watching this movie on NetFlix. How it ever made it out of the creator's basement, I'll never know. Hopefully I can save someone else the 90 minutes this film takes to suffer through.

I realize that this is a low budget film. Sure, the acting isn't top notch, the camera work has occasional problems, and the sound track leaves something to be desired. I can look past all of those things. However, the unforgivable thing about this film is the horrendous storytelling. I wouldn't trash a film because the plot is lame, but this is a plot that is totally unintelligible for the first 45 minutes. You literally cannot tell what is going on. For the first 5 or 10 minutes, you find yourself asking "Who is that?" "What are these people doing?" "What's going on now?" But after 15 minutes it turns from intriguing to irritating. Then you just begin to laugh at how poorly done the whole thing is. Its really bad. Its not that a film has to be done in a totally linear way, but it needs to at least make a little sense. You just can't expect people to sit through 45 minutes worth of nonsense, that add literally nothing to the film, before you start telling the story.

The sad part is that the film actually becomes tolerable in the second half. Its never exactly what I would call good, but it at least resembles an actual movie.

Don't waste your time.
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