McLeod's Daughters (1996 TV Movie)
i love McLeod's
14 February 2009
well. lately I've discovered that i have an obsession with McLeod's daughters . it is the best pro-gramme EVER And i cannot believe its already been the final episode, my favorite character was DEFFINTILY Grace she made me cry SO much. I'm young but since grace(Abi Tucker) came into the show, i REALLY want to met her, and would do anything to get the chance. McLeod's has made an impact on my life, just listening to the quotes that are said etc, if Grace ever reads this , which i doubt . she should no that she is a awesome actress, and i would love to have the chance to meet her, also in the final episode how Marcus and Ingrid got together, that was a HUGE Mstake Grace and Marcus should have been the couple !! i love McLeod's daughters and would do anything to get the chance to talk to grace Stevie or Marcus. ANYTHING. I hope they read this . the makers have done such a awesome job and they shouldn't have made it end . it was awesome. i live in new Zealand, the wiararapa and go to kuranui college only as a year 10 . and i really want to meet all of the crew. love you . xx ox
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