I was sorry I didn't see this at the theaters...
18 February 2009
The Iron Lotus is much better than the Pamchenko Twist!

I bought this on DVD remembering how great the trailer was. I wasn't able to see it when it first came out due to work reasons.

When I bought the DVD I wasn't expecting much especially since I wasn't a Will Ferrell fan. And I didn't even know who Jon Heder was. (He did blond really well, when he is actually dark-haired.) Since first seeing it I can't seem to stop watching it. I'm beginning to wore out my copy. I think I need a new one. ;p

I've developed a new appreciation for both Queen and Aerosmith because of this movie. Before, I thought these bands were just okay but associating their music with such a great flick makes me sing out loud their songs now. :)

I guess nobody can really please everybody because people who think this film is trash think that people who like this movie are just too young to know any better or are just semi-intelligent. Well, I beg to differ because this film has a lot of witty exchanges and terrific acting. I'd give it 10 stars!

This movie has the Cinderella element that I really like and Jimmy MacElroy makes a perfect Cinderella. He's my favorite character in the film. And in this film, I've never seen Will Ferrell look so good. I was also pleasantly surprised at Scott Hamilton's brilliant voice acting. He does make a great commentator. And his co-anchor Jim Lampley adds an interesting relish, making the actual ice skating performances even more exciting. I thank all the creators and collaborators for bringing this film into reality.
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