Deadbolt (1992 TV Movie)
Badly acted, cliché-ridden, throwaway film
20 February 2009
Marty (Justine Bateman of Family Ties) is searching for a roommate after someone breaks into her place. After her first choice is found murdered, she lets psychotic Alec (Adam Baldwin, known for NOT being one of the Baldwin brothers) move in. At first he seems too good to be true and they enjoy a romantic tryst, much to the chagrin of Marty's jealous over-protective ex-boyfriend. Then he begins to show his true colors.

This movie was an extremely generic, strictly by-the-book thriller. Woman-in-peril? check. Jealous suspicious ex-lover? Check Romantic affair with a guy whom turns out to be nuts? Double check.And as such, it's extremely predictable. You know how they're going to get from point A to point B to C. So no tension to be had, leading to boredom and apathy to why you even watched this lame film in the first place.

My Grade: D
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