Still Waiting... (2009 Video)
We're done waiting for a sequel, I'm still waiting for a good one...
21 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh. Are you serious?

This movie took everything that was great about the original, blew it way over the top, and ruined any chance it had of being decent. I can honestly say I didn't even smile for the entire thing, what was there to smile about? The guy who was an obvious rip-off of the character Ryan Reynolds played? That did nothing but spout really generic, un-creative and obscene jokes the whole movie? Woah, never seen that. Or the main character who's so pathetic, obnoxious, un-funny as well as un-likable that we can only hope he doesn't get the promotion? Or perhaps the stuff that wasn't just not funny as well as over-played it self from the first one making triumphant returns to further beat the dead horse? Such as Naomi and the so-not-worth-watching-it's-painful Andy Milonakis. Look out everyone, white guys pretending to be gangster. Comedy 101, here. Although, I'll give them an ounce of credit for obviously realizing how stupid the two characters were the first time around. Oh, wait, I'm forgetting about the cook with the lateral lisp! HA HA! He has a speech impediment and sounds super-funny! HA HA!

SPOILER - But all that aside, I think the greatest insult was ruining one of the great things from Waiting, and that was Justin Long's character. Who was sick of just settling, said F it and went out on his own. So in this they have him a porn and pill addicted f-up because of his decision to leave the restaurant? Right on. Someone stop the funny-train, because I'm rolling in the aisles. END SPOILER

Please, I beg of you, do not watch this movie. If you must, just watch Adam Carolla's part. As I'm the Ace-Man's number one fan, and even his role couldn't get this rating above a two.
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