Blind Injustice (2005 TV Movie)
Your not worth it!
22 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
***MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS*** The movie "Blind Injustie" tell it all just by its title. A blind women is brutally raped where she, in not being able to properly identify her attacker, then has a totally innocent man sent away for life by mistaking him for her rapist.

The rape victim blind law student Diana Scott, Jamie Luner, picks out the man whom she's sure raped her out of a police lineup only by feeling a scare on his forehead. It later turns out, after he was convicted and sent up the river, her alleged rapist bible quoting Malcolm Humphries, Ted Sadomirsky,finds out that there's proof of his innocence. This came to Malcolm's attention through the prison grapevine in that this big mouth, and not too smart, fellow convict Anthony Davis, Thomas Mitchell, has been mouthing off about him. Davis has been going around bragging to anyone within earshot that he in fact committed the crime that the innocent Malcolm is doing time for!

The movie gets even more ridicules with Malcolm getting in touch with the women Diana Scott, who's now a big time lawyer, he supposedly raped and who's testimony convicted him. With Diana's and the local police cooperation Malcolm is subjected to a DNA test which wasn't available five years ago when he was tired and convicted of raping Diana. As you would expect the test comes out negative totally exonerating Malcolm of the crime of rape and having Diana go on a guilt trip in having the totally innocent Malcolm put behind bars for five years. It's when Davis realizes that his big mouth has now put him in danger of being tried and convicted of the innocent Malcolm's crimes is when the film, if it didn't by then, completely loses any kind of creditability that he had. What Davis does then is so off the wall and over the top that you start to wonder if it, his actions, are the results of him being out in the sun, on a Florida chain-gang, too long and as a result having his brains stir fried!

The film "Blind Injustice" isn't that bad at all if you like unintentionally funny movies that try to take themselves seriously and as a result fall flat on their face in doing it. The horrors of of a woman, and a blind one at that, like Diana Scott being raped is nothing to laugh at or make fun of. The same can be said of an innocent man being accused and convicted of the crime like Malcolm Humphries was in the movie. That person has to live with the stigma of being a brutal rapist in prison which can lead to him being murdered by his fellow convicts, who consider rapist among the lowest form of human life, when his back is turned. It would have been better if the film focused more on the two victims in it, Diana & Malcolm, and how the crime changed their lives forever. Instead the film went completely overboard in making Davis who later ended up murdering some five persons four who were law enforcement officers, in an effort to prevent himself from being charged in raping Diana, the real star of the movie.
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