clever black comedy
26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The continually puzzled and worried expression of Gary Kelp, played very well by Samuel Johnson, forms an interesting platform for all the other characters in the film.

The photography with a lot of long shots gives a sense of letting things happen which is really the story of the principal actor's life, it is happening and he is powerless to stop it.

Interesting appearances by the Mark Little sound alike and act alike ( Mark began as the master of stand up in the early to mid 1980s) Jason Gann and veteran Paul Sonkkila as a menacing presence are a brilliant diversion from Johnson's hopeless downward spiral.

Jason Gann was on the verge of massive success as a comedy actor in Wilfred probably the greatest Australian Comedy ever. Along with Adam Zwar and Cindy Waddingham he played a human in a massive dog suit who manipulated his owner and uncertain boyfriend an out of work media monitor.

Gann as Carl Lucas steals the show during his scenes as well as Kelp's wife Carol.

Sonkkila as Snapper Thompson menaces Kelp with advice, usually in the toilet, over eye lotions and how to open doors.

Very much worth watching as Australian comedy progresses to a new level experimenting with the use of black humor.
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