27 February 2009
if you're a fan of: Franz Kafka Hitchcock Georges Bataille Orson Welles William Burroughs m. De Sade Pasolini Jodorowski Mystic Pizza Mork from Ork


A little known masterpiece with much to teach us about the human race. He was only a lazy lion, but he was the lazy lion who let us learn to laugh about love again. Who knew, it could be so sweet to have tears brought to ones eyes, first through laughter, sadness, joy, then through loss, understanding and finally total enlightenment, the film takes us on a journey beyond life and death, through art, dreams, nature, and finally, most movingly, silence. The lion was so cool like if Donkey from Shrek and Mufasa mixed with George Burns' wit, Sartre's wisdom, Charles Bronson's sense of humour, and Ethan Hawke's dignity. In fact I have only seen a better film twice, and even then, the first time I was sick, the second time my hat blew off. Oh, no that was sailing.

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