quite funny, well done and recommended
3 March 2009
It is always a source of wonder to me that witty films find almost no audiences today, and the reason simply must be the ham-fisted, unsubtle, miles over-the-top Junior High School-level humor that is so much in vogue these days. Modern audiences must be so jaded by amateurisms that when something genuinely funny comes along their dulled senses simply can't get the jokes.

THE AMOROUS PRAWN is a case in point. Its humor is subtle and sophisticated and discerning audiences will appreciate the clever writing and directing. If your in the mood for a light, entertaining spoof with plenty of wit then you should have no trouble enjoying this energetic little farce. Don't be put off by some of the downright weird reviews of this little charmer that have thus far appeared on this site. See it and enjoy it.
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