Review of Battle Planet

Battle Planet (2008)
4 March 2009
the only justification for screening this movie should be to show actor wannabees how not to act!! seriously people if you wanna make a showbiz career than at least take a night course! On the other hand even the great actors when given ridiculous dialogues seem terrible and this movie has both awful screenplay and direction. The third thing at which they excel here is makeup which reminds me of TMNT but bear in mind the turtles makeup was done 20 years ago and it's still better than this one! My advice for the creators in future make your sci-fi flick a comedy not drama! then at least it might pass as a spoof! Finally i'd love to know the people who wrote reviews here using words like excellent and gem towards this movie and awarding it with 10* even if my girlfriend played in this one i'd never give it more than 5/10! it would be indecent!
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