"I will remember this evening probably as long as it takes me to get to my car!"
5 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you're under thirty years old, you didn't get to grow up watching most of these Hollywood legends in their prime. This edition of 'Celebrity Roast' is one of the best ways to catch a quick snapshot of many of the entertainers who came up through the Golden Age of Hollywood and went on to create many happy memories for children of the boomer generation. I was lucky enough to catch most of the original Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts when originally telecast in the mid to late Seventies, and it was always a kick to see these great names get together to honor one of their own.

This 'Best' edition features a look at just that, the very best - Johnny Carson, Bob Hope, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Gleason, Jack Benny, Michael Landon, Lucille Ball and Dino himself. The 'roaster' list is also a veritable Who's Who of show business, with a few sport celebrities thrown in for good measure. One of the things I was able to notice today was that some of the honorees were toasted as 'Man of the Hour, others were 'Man of the Week', as noted by the large banners behind the podium. If I remember correctly, when Frank Sinatra got the treatment back in 1977, he was honored as 'Man of the Year'. It made me wonder if any of the celebrities got their nose out of joint over the differentiation.

One of the treats of this compilation is getting to see some of the great personalities of the time who have passed on - Truman Capote, Orson Welles, Redd Foxx, Howard Cosell, Art Carney, and Governor Ronald Reagan (not the President yet!). The era's entertainment legends who have somewhat faded from center stage are also prominent - Billy Crystal, Phyllis Diller, Rich Little, Tony Orlando and Freddie Prinze to name a few. It's also bittersweet to see Michael Landon as one of the honored guests, a man who left us much too soon while in his prime as a creative force in the industry; I was greatly saddened at his passing.

You know, back in 2006 I was greatly anticipating the Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner, as I have always enjoyed his work going back to the original 'Star Trek' days. I couldn't have been more disappointed with the obscenity filled comments and condescending treatment by the members of the dais, many of whom I had never even heard of before. Stark contrast to the Celebrity Roasts of yesteryear - just one more reminder of how we've regressed as a society.

In case you're wondering, that's Johnny Carson in my summary line above - it was a given that the honored guests could dish it out as well as take it!
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