A movie not only for Norwegians
6 March 2009
I saw Max Manus on it's premiere date, December 19th on Konsertpalèet 1 Bergen, Norway. As usual when I've seen a movie, one of the first things I did when I got home was to vote for it here on IMDb.com. And when I did I couldn't even see the average vote since it hadn't even got 5 votes yet. Now it's got 2.200 votes and an average of 8.5. And that's very high. You could say that this is because only Norwegians has voted for it. True, true. It's the, if not greatest, certainly BIGGEST movie in Norway for a very long time, maybe ever? But then I saw something: The U.S. average, only 20 people though, is 9.1! How did this happen? Americans with Norwegian heritage? Or is there really something very special about this movie?

Me, a Norwegian myself, find 8.5 very appropriate. I don't think this movie is a 10, heck, I rarely never give any movie a 10. 9...I considered 9 when I got home from the theater, but for a 9 I felt that I would have to be blown away in a way that I hadn't got. So I settled for 8, still very good! Cause it is very good, and if I could have voted in halves I would have given Max Manus 8.5.

And since then I have wondered; How about Max Manus in the top 250? If Americans can give average higher than Norwegians? Most Americans would like this movie a lot if it was in English. And with the weighted average system, Max Manus now lies on 7.8, and if it passes 4000 votes with 8.5 it will indeed be on the list if my calculations are correct and if IMDb isn't hiding something important about how they calculate.

Personally, I think that it is a better movie than enough of the 250's to deserve a spot in there. The Swedes has Ingmar Bergman in there, let us have Max Manus, our biggest movie.

So how about it? It's not the deepest of movies. I can't say that I felt I cared so much about Max or the other characters and I can't say that I found the acting superb (except for Ken Duken). But one thing I can say is that it is beautifully filmed, it's great as an action flick, it's very exciting, it's a war movie as good as any and visually it couldn't have been any better. It even has a little love story inside it, for those who likes that. For many of my friends, for many Norwegians and for many Europeans and Americans; that is all there is needed for them to love it. And that is quite alright.

Enjoy Max Manus, a very good movie for everyone aged 10 or more. 8/10
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