Review of Blood Drive

The Office: Blood Drive (2009)
Season 5, Episode 16
Perhaps not as funny, but a great step in the right direction
6 March 2009
I will hand it that this episode didn't have a whole lot of laughs, but I consider this the rehab episode The Office has needed after a string of less-than-good to awful episodes before it.

The biggest improvement is making the show feel real again. The thing I HATED most about the last few episodes was the complete abandonment from reality that they took with the humor and tone. Here, however, the characters are actually behaving more like humans again and doing a lot better acting than they had been lately. Kudos to the writers too for giving them some good dialogue to work with again.

I also love that they're trying to really develop the characters as well, particularly with Kevin since he's one of the supporting players I like the most. There feels like there is a progression of a plot again and the focus is more controlled to impromptu and natural laughs rather than bizzaro comedy. Hopefully we can see more developments with some of the other characters since they really butchered some of the great story lines during episodes like The Duel.

I think I just love how touched I was with this episode. Yes I know, this isn't supposed to be a drama or anything. However, I think the best comedies are the ones that can make you laugh and cry and that's what I felt happened with this episode. Heck, I think the drama gave the comedy in this a little more impact since it felt like a natural relief of tension.

If things continue to improve with the next few episodes, we may just have a return to form with The Office. I've tried to say that previous episodes were a step in the right direction, but this truly is one because it captures what The Office is supposed to be: a look at real life with a slight comedic spin. It makes me glad I didn't give up hope on the show.
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