Bonita Granville Suspects Fowl Play
7 March 2009
The "Brinwood School for Young Ladies" is buzzing about the arrival of wealthy sponsor Helena Phillips Evans (as Mary Eldredge). Pretty teenage sleuth Bonita Granville (as Nancy Drew) and the girls hope the woman's offer of $250,000 will be used to install a swimming pool. When the elderly woman disappears just before making the donation, Ms. Granville suspects foul play. Her father, lawyer John Litel (as Carson Drew), and others try to veer Granville of the case; but, she is determined to find the missing woman. Granville enlists help from young wavy-haired neighbor Frankie Thomas (as Ted Nickerson).

The "Carolyn Keene" characters were unfamiliar to this commenter, but this certainly seems like a satisfactory adaptation.

Granville, who made an impression in "These Three" (1936), is an attractive, determined, intelligent, and charming heroine. Unlike most early "teen" stars, Granville appears natural and endearing, even with expressions like "I'll bet you $23.80" and "I should say not!" Mr. Thomas, who made an impression in "Wednesday's Child" (1934), is similarly appealing and unaffected, for a 1930s movie juvenile. Thomas says "Let's keep it clean" and makes the "drag" scene. "Nancy Drew - Detective" shows how well a "small" genre film can be done. Granville and Thomas make a cute team.

****** Nancy Drew - Detective (11/19/38) William Clemens ~ Bonita Granville, Frankie Thomas, John Litel
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