Excellent movie
13 March 2009
I totally disagree with the "The worst film I have seen so far".

Sahan only made this movie because his "Recep Ivedik" sketch on "Dikkat Sahan Cikabilir" was much loved and viewed by millions on Youtube and other websites. He could have easily made a film about any other character he played in his show. His story seems very similar to Ali G's in that respect. Ali G only made Borat because it was the best loved character in "The Ali G Show".

Let's get one thing straight, most people watched Recep Ivedik 1 & 2 because they already had seen the sketch on TV and liked it, thus they knew exactly what to expect from the movie, just like I did.

Most the people who did not enjoy the movie probably never watched his sketch on TV beforehand, thus the disappointment.

I can agree that the movie is not a straight forward comedy movie and different to anything I have seen before but it still entertaining.

The movie may have a stupid story line or no story line as some say but it cleverly delivers a message. The movie isn't just plain stupid like Ali G, in fact there are so many scenes in this movie that show Recep is opposite of stupid.

Recep is very rude and sometimes disgusting in the movie but I found this funny, again not everyone will.

I think people who did not enjoy the movie missed on of the main points in the movie, "The Message"

Along side being "ignorant, rude and disgusting" he was educating people.

Examples such as:

"Ekinler bas vermeden kor buzagi topalmazmis" is a very nice message and makes sense.

He is not just a "Kiro" as we hear him talk about many things most people watching the movie don't even know about, things like Photoshop.

He looks after his Grandmother (In Turkey old people are never looked after and often put in old peoples homes instead) and also send the message across that "we should do anything it takes" to earn a living in this current situation.

He is very open with people and speaks his mind. When he meets "Yakuza" at the Chinese restaurant he openly tells her what he thinks, some may think he is horrible but I think he is doing the right thing.

To round it up I believe the movie was excellent, although some of the jokes were over the top he redeemed himself with the good message he was putting across.

People need to realise now that Comedy is not what it use to be, there are different types of comedy and everything has changed, Turkish comedy movies are what they are right now, lots of swearing. The Kemal Sunal days are over and now we have a new era.
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