Going Places (1938)
A lot to like and a lot to hate...definitely a mixed bag.
15 March 2009
This is a very forgettable though enjoyable little film that has a lot going for it as well as a lot to hate. It's a very mixed bag, that's for sure! First, what to like. Dick Powell plays a nice likable guy (as usual) and there is some decent comedy in the film. It's the sort of nice time-passer they made so well during the era--a mindless but fun little bit of escapism. Plus, you do get to see a very early performance by Ronald Reagan as well as Louis Armstrong. Of the two, Armstrong definitely comes off best, as his singing is great and you are left wondering why he didn't make more films during the 1930s. Reagan is there mostly as window dressing and has little to do. He's not bad, but also not particularly noticeable.

Now for the bad. If you are looking for a film to show your politically correct friends or to show to a local chapter of the NAACP, keep looking! Most of the Black people in the film are the typical stereotypical happy singing idiots that Hollywood loved during the 30s and 40s. It's sad to see Louis Armstrong, for instance, forced to play such a demeaning part--he was better than this. Also, the plot itself was majorly lame--really, really lame! Many films back then loved the idea of an animal or athlete responding magically to music. Most often it's a particular tune that makes the animal/athlete respond. In this case, the horse 'Jeepers Peepers' responds when he hears the song named for him. In the case of the Three Stooges, it was 'Pop Goes the Weasel' that made Curly box like a madman. There are countless other examples, but regardless this is a terribly contrived and stupid story element. Finally, although it's not as big a concern, it was awfully dumb to have Dick Powell playing an Aussie--especially since he sounded less Australian than Louis Armstrong or the horse!! Still, despite these many bad parts of the film, there are many genuinely good moments and you can't help but like Powell--no matter how contrived it all is.
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