Casino heist meets porn star style acting
11 March 2009
IMDb, Welcome your newest member of the bottom 100 club!

From the beginning I didn't expect much from this movie, no credible actors, a director i've barely heard of and a plot thats been rehashed more times than I can count. That being said I still decided to see the movie....And at the end, I want my 1 hour and 20 mins back.

I knew this movie was low budget from the start, but that was more than confirmed when the high roller in the movie rolls up in his 22 year old Ferrari. Don't get me wrong here its a nice car, but cmon..This guy is supposed to be a super rich casino boss. I can let that one go, but what I can't let go is exaclty how bad the acting is in this movie.

From start to finish (god forgive me I watched the whole thing) the story, which isn't that bad is annihilated by the extremely poor acting by pretty much all the characters involved. There is no play between them, there is no magic. Honestly it reminds me more of a soft core porno than anything else.

I would seriously hope this movie never makes it to theaters, but just in case it does.....Wait till the DVD comes out. And then wait till its shown on TV. Then wait 2 more years and accidentally watch it while your drunk.
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